100% of profits go to helping Zoos Victoria Conservation Efforts!
Zoos Victoria
In 2009, inspired by witnessing the extinction of the Christmas Island Pipistrelle, Zoos Victoria embarked on a journey of radical transformation into a Zoos Based Conservation Organization. The transformation saw Zoos Victoria commit to ensuring that No Victorian terrestrial species go extinct on our watch and engaging with Victorians to help them see what they can do to fight extinction and create a future rich in wildlife.
Jenny will share the changes and growth that have accompanied the transformation. Zoos Victoria has shown that strong purpose is good for organizational growth and financial sustainability. Today over 45% of Victorian schools are Fighting Extinction and over 360,000 Victorians are members of Zoos Victoria. But ultimately it is in the success with 27 threatened Victorian species that the strength of the model is best demonstrated.
The future for Zoos Victoria is interesting. Social attitudes, license to operate issues, competition and cost of living pressures all required a clear purpose and clear communication. However with 1,995 species listed as threatened in Victoria, the need for zoo based conservation has never been more important. We need a change to the ways that we think about nature and the ways that we consume nature if we are to reverse this trend.
Zoos Victoria is passionate about Fighting Extinction and Jenny will be delighted to share our stories with you.
Jenny Gray Webinar Recording: VOE-Network Virtual Conference