Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: How Do We Improve?

    • A Culture of "WE"

    • "Andon" Pull the Cord

    • Andon Quiz

    • Andon "Pull the Cord" Follow-Up

    • Kaizen in Practice

    • Kaizen Video

    • PDCA Cycle

    • Vendor Involvement

    • PDCA Quiz

  • 2

    Module 2: Value Stream Map VS Process Flow Map

    • Part 1: VSM

    • Part 2: PFM

    • Part 3: Swimlane

  • 3

    Module 3: 5S

    • Part 1: Benefits of 5S

    • Part 2: What is 5S?

    • Exercise: Before

    • Exercise: After

    • Part 3: Engaging your Team in 5S

    • 5S Quiz

  • 4

    Module 4: Push vs Pull Systems

    • Part 1: Push Systems

    • "I Love Lucy" Push System

    • Part 1: Push Systems Cont.

    • Part 2. Pull Systems

    • Push vs Pull

  • 5

    Module 5: Kanban and MRS

    • Intro to MRS and Kanban

    • Part 2: What is an MRS?

    • Part 3: Why Use Inventory Control Techniques?

    • Part 4: What is a Kanban?

    • Part 5: How do MRS & Kanban Work Together?

    • Examples in Animal Care

    • Part 6: Engaging Coworkers

    • Part 7: Vendors as Partners & Summary

    • MRS Quiz

  • 6

    Module 6: Root Cause Analysis

    • Intro to Root Cause Analysis

    • Chapter 1: 5 Whys

    • Quiz: 5 Whys

    • Chapter 2: Fishbone

    • Quiz: Fishbone

    • Chapter 3: Spaghetti Diagram and Conclusion

    • Quiz: Spaghetti Diagram

  • 7

    Yellow Belt Final Exam

    • Yellow Belt Final Exam